"Not flesh of my flesh, Nor bone of my bone, But still miraculously my own. Never forget for a single minute,
You didn't grow under my heart - but in it"
Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Tomorrow Tomorrow I love ya tomorrow youre only a day away!

That's right folks. Tomorrow is the day! The day my life will change forever. The day that God promised and in my weakness never thought would happen. The day that I didnt think I deserved. I just can't believe as I sit here that tomorrow at this time we will be flying to Dallas Ft. Worth and preparing to meet our son. God is so good, so faithful Amen!

I have decided that house work can wait. I want to make sure that I spend the day playing with the girls. I tried to explain to them we were leaving. The older two know and understand this, the younger two I am not so sure. I told AJ and she said Mom and dad bye bye, so maybe on some level she gets it, or at least the words. She did point to the door. I talked to Sarie and she was quiet and still thinks we are bringing faith home :( I told her no we were bringing Noah home. She was concerned that we would not be here but I am hoping all 4 of them do fantastic!

I absolutely hate going places without them. I love them so much. Im kinda attached, lol. I really dont like that they will be waking up and Paul and I wont be here. I get afraid for them. All of a sudden they wake up and boom their world has changed. The older 2 its ok they understand but Sarie n AJ worry me the most. They dont understand or know what is coming. At least if they saw us leave maybe that would help, but it is way too early for them and maybe it would only hurt them worse. I am trying not to think about the leaving them part and only focus on the seeing my son part.

Paul is so excited. He is such a proud Papa. I think I may love him more than ever before if that is even possible. He takes care of us so well. He has everything ready for tomorrow as far as flight n hotel and car stuff goes. I know he is trying so hard to ease all my worries but he cant. I am a mother and I worry. I know I shouldnt but I do. Please pray for us, that we make it there and home safely. Safely back to our beautiful wonderful children.

So this morning I got a txt from Noah's foster mama. She sent a picture of him in his hospital gown. :( He was heading into surgery. It was a quick procedure where they said everything went normal or looked normal. They put a probe down his throat and he will get that out tomorrow. Please pray for our little guy. Pray for a complete healing. he has reflux so bad that he doesnt want to eat. Pray that God would touch his little body and heal him completely here on earth.

Thank you all for coming through this journey with us. I pray you all are blessed beyond belief. I can not wait for you to meet our son whom you all helped bring home. Thank you so much.

be blessed

1 comment:

  1. Congrats. I am sure the girls will miss you but you will be bringing them home a wonderful present. Congrats on your baby boy. PS I still have boy cloth diapers hereif you are interested!
