"Not flesh of my flesh, Nor bone of my bone, But still miraculously my own. Never forget for a single minute,
You didn't grow under my heart - but in it"
Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


This is truly my favorite time of year. I love the colors, the smells, the weather, the food! Every year I have so much to be thankful for. This year we have even more. We are so blessed. So blessed!

I am thankful for a husband who is on fire for God. Who loves his children, who adores his wife, who is faithful and true to me, who gives more than any person I know. Truly a man after God's own heart. I am thankful for his talents that not only pay the bills and allow us to live comfortably and to give but for the talents that save us money on store bought furniture and car repairs and house repairs. I am thankful that he loves me for me and wouldnt rather be anywhere else than where we are right now. I am thankful that he loves to cook and can do it so well, cooking I mean ;)

I am thankful for my oldest daughter. She is insanely smart and beautiful too! I am thankful for her freckles that I wish I had. I am thankful that she loves God with all her heart. I am thankful that she helps me as much as she does. She is kind and generous and loving towards everyone. I am thankful that she loves to read. I am thankful she is more like her father than like me :) I am thankful that she is turning out better than I could have ever imagined.

I am thankful for my second oldest daughter. She is so funny and smart. I am thankful that she wears her heart on her sleeve and is full of emotion. I am thankful she cares so much about others. I am thankful that she loves with her whole heart and her whole self and that she feels and shows emotion. I am thankful that she is well behaved and treats others the way she wants to be treated. I am thankful that she doesnt mind helping out and loves school.

I am thankful for our 3 year old! What a great age! I am thankful that after 2 years she finally is potty trained. I am thankful that she loves her brother so much. I am thankful that she speaks so well because she was silent so long. I am thankful that she is emotional and not afraid to cry when ever the mood hits her. I am thankful that she is so much like her name, calm and serene, shy and loving just like her daddy. I am thankful that she is so careful and cautious about everything. I am thankful that she sees life as something so cool so new so amazing and isnt afraid to share it with others.

I am thankful for our youngest daughter. I am thankful that she has so much of me in her right now. This enables her to not be bullied or hurt. I am thankful though that she does not bully and is so kind to most everyone she meets. I am thankful at how well she adjusted to not being the baby for very long. I am thankful that she shows you exactly what she is going through and how she feels the minute she feels it. I am thankful at how strong she is. I am thankful for her chunky lil face and her eyes that disappear when she smiles. I am thankful for her laugh and funny faces that seem so contagious that just can brighten up even the worst days.

I am thankful for our son. I am thankful to God for allowing us to have a son after so many daughters. I am thankful for his health. I am thankful that he has a Trisomy that does not mean he will die at birth. I am thankful for his hair, our only baby to have so much hair so soon. I am thankful for his babbling that some thought he would never do. I am thankful for his cries. He spent so long not crying not communicating and now he is showing us who he really is. I am thankful he is sensitive. I am thankful for his gtube that allows him to get nourishment he so desperately needs to thrive. I am thankful for his BIG eyes that once took up his whole face and were the reason he was tested for a disability. I am thankful for those same eyes that showed someone he may have a disability are the same eyes that people now say are the most beautiful they have ever seen. I am thankful that he loves us and has bonded so well to his father. I am thankful that he has so many people in this world that love him.

I am thankful for birthparents especially ours. I am thankful that they knew that they wanted better for their child then they could give at the moment. I am thankful that at 17 years old his first mom decided to go through with the pregnancy knowing she would not raise him. How hard would that be? I am thankful that she chose us. I am thankful that she loves him so much and feels like we are her family.

I am thankful for foster parents- first Noah's. I am thankful that he was placed with a good christian family. I am grateful her had such adoring older foster sisters. I am thankful that Noah's foster mom loved him as if he were her own flesh and blood. I am thankful that Noah's foster dad held him and loved him and treated him the same as if his wife had birthed him. I am thankful that he had such a beautiful strong fierce faithful foster mom that would not give up on him. I am thankful they never allowed him to spend a night alone in the hospital. I am thankful they never left him by himself crying, scared or hungry. I am thankful that everyday they had with Noah they gave him all of them knowing that at any moment he could be gone. I am thankful for that family that has taken us in and treats us like part of their family. I am thankful that they are exactly who Noah needed at exactly the time he needed them.

I am thankful for my foster parents that love me and took care of me when I was a teen. I am thankful that they always treated me as a child of their own and that I had a good experience in foster care because of them. I am thankful at all they taught me.

I am thankful to God. Thankful that he made me, that He loves me even at my worst. Thankful that He chose me to be the parent of such amazing children. Thankful that he gave me a son. Thankful that despite my craziness He chose me, He adopted me, he loves me. I am thankful that our God is faithful and that He always has my back.

I am thankful to all of the adoptive families that are out there. I am thankful to all the people out there that give selflessly to help others. I am thankful for all my readers. I am so thankful.

I prayed you all are as blessed as I am.

Happy Thanksgiving.

Be blessed

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for your very kind words. We do love know like he is our own and we too are so thankful that God sent you and Paul into Noah's heart to love and raise him. He could not be in a better place.
