His disciples asked him, "Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?" "Neither this man nor his parents sinned," said Jesus, "but this happened so that the work of God might be displayed in his life. As long as it is day, we must do the work of him who sent me. Night is coming, when no one can work. While I am in the world, I am the light of the world." John 9:2-5
Do you ever look at a person with a disability and think something to the affect of, "Wow, what did they do to tick off God?" I read those verses this morning and just was in awe of what Christ said. "Neither this man nor his parents sinned," said Jesus, "but this happened so that the work of God might be displayed in his life." Does that just make you sit back and go wow? Maybe it is just me. I look over at my son and I always knew God had a plan for him but I never thought that God made him this way so that God's works might be revealed in him.
For me on those long days where I have dealt with vomit all day and poop and stimming behaviors that I am sure Noah knows just drive me crazy and not eating or sleeping or swallowing, cleaning the endless goo from his mickey button and seeing that more granulation tissue has grown, calling doctors and specialist, having 5 therapist a week at the house, taking care of or at least trying to take care of 4 other kids and do schooling for 2 of them, getting everyone fed but not having time to eat and the list goes on..on those days when I feel like I bit off way more than I can chew and that I will never be able to have anymore children, I can look at that verse and know that Noah was no mistake. Doctors can tell me that it was a fluke or that a biological parent has the gene and that is why my son has Trisomy 8q2 but now I know that God made him this way for His glory. That Noah's life is a part of God's plan.
Perhaps people will see all the miracles happening in Noah's life and know now without a shadow of a doubt that there is in fact a God and just how great He is! Maybe people can learn about Noah and his condition and find the courage and strength to deal with their own issues in their lives. Maybe someone will say YES to adoption and YES to a child with special needs. Maybe through reading about our lives they know that they can do it too. And maybe there will be one less orphan in the world because of our story.
If you want to look into an adoption of a special needs child there are many resources. Reece's Rainbow helps families adopt kids with down syndrome and other disabilities. Andrea the founder was voted People Magazines Hero of the year 2010.
Adopt America Network. They were the ones who told us about Noah. The woman we worked with Mary Gayle Adams, is a fantastic woman she actually has 24 special needs children she has adopted herself.
Gladney was who we worked with for Noah's adoption. They were so wonderful. They truly care about their children.
Rainbow Kids has a list of waiting children available for adoption as well as great articles an resources.
One agency I would not use is Kids to Adopt out of Washington state. I had personal experience with them and it was hell and others have come to me and told me their horror stories as well. They have had children on their website that have been on hold more than a year now.
If you had any questions for Paul or I feel free to leave us a comment.
Be blessed
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