Noah's first night home I only had to call the hospital twice. Nothing horrible or anything just couldnt get the right amount on the pump. He tolerated it very well and slept the whole night. When we all woke up he had peed through his clothes and the sheets and the bed. He is peeing a lot. We are going through diapers like crazy over here! He also needs some button down outfits. Because of his tube that he has to have 24/7 for the first month at least it has become very difficult to put pants on him. He may need the bag longer too but at least a month.
This morning we had wonderful guests, our neighbors. They came to see how Noah was doing and bless their hearts they brought 4 new button down outfits and pack of diapers. See God is always faithful. He sees a need and fills it. How awesome is He? Kloves encouraging word today was Isiah 65:24 Before they call I will answer;while they are still speaking I will hear. You know we can always take God at His word. It is amazing to me to have a Father who never lies, never abandons, never forsakes and always is there, always loves and always forgives. If you dont have a relationship with Him you should. Just pray..Lord forgive my sins and come into my heart and life today. Amen. It wont always be easy but it will always be worth it.
Noah is tolerating his feedings so far very well other than the 52 diaper changes an hour, ok so its not that many, but still. We are slowly getting use to all that needs done in a day for Noah. It is different. I can honestly say my stomach only hurts at a 5 pain rate every time I look or think or feel or touch his mic-key button, before it was a 10 though so we are moving up.
be blessed
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