I use to think that only kids with down syndrome had one extra chromosome. Then we adopted a child with Trisomy 8. I realized he has one extra chromosome too. Doctors and social workers told us he would likely be a vegetable. Doctors said he would never be off of a continuous feed. It would take longer (if he ever did them at all) for him to do things like speak, walk, crawl. They said he will be severely mentally handicap. They said one day it would be time to remove his tubes and "let him go" because they had never met an adult with Trisomy 8.
Have you met my son? Is he any of that? He is nothing short of miraculous! I firmly believe that God healed him the moment we said yes.
Noah talks, crawls, sits, is taking steps assisted. He is doing bolus feeds. The last few nights he ATE! This is huge. He had bits of a lemon and tomato and then 12 bites of baby food the one day. I can't believe it. We have started to get his bolus feeds down from an hour to 45 mins. Also he hasnt vomited in over a week.
So many children living with their extra chromosome are going above and beyond what any doctor ever thought they could. It saddens me that when a doctor gives a diagnosis of Trisomy 13, 18, 21 they suggest termination. These children have every right to life the same as you and me.
So as Trisomy awareness month comes to an end I hope and pray you have learned a little bit more about our rare babies and have a different view on kids with Trisomy. If you have a diagnosis or if you know someone who has had a Trisomy diagnosis pray for them, be there for them and have hope. Hope in what our God is capable of, know that no matter what us moms who choose life for our Trisomy babies will never regret that. If you have any questions feel free to ask. I donbt know it all but will try to answer you.
I will leave you with a beautiful video made by a mom with a baby with Trisomy 18. If you look closely Noah is at the 5:15 mark.
We could not be prouder of our little man who one extra chromosome.
Be blessed
That was beautiful. I thoroughly enjoyed every frame. Thank you.