"Not flesh of my flesh, Nor bone of my bone, But still miraculously my own. Never forget for a single minute,
You didn't grow under my heart - but in it"
Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Saturday, February 19, 2011

History and Headaches

Today we woke up when we wanted and got ready as slowly as we wanted. I love it! We headed to the History Museum because today it was free. Rock on!

Once we got in the doors it was great. The winds outside were reaching 60mph they said we could barely move and had parked 4 blocks away.

The kids liked it. Noah wasnt too thrilled, but was a calm relaxed baby. He is so good, just goes with the flow, but what else can he do hes number 5 I think they are born to be mellow. We were kind of upset that the dinosaurs were not on display til next week and no we will not be back next week. Yes my children did ask me that, lol. I think we all had a really good time. We stayed a little over 2 hours and then headed back to swim.

I think if all we did this whole weekend was swim it would be perfectly fine with our kids. They love being in the water. I handled about an hour of swimming before my headache got to be more than I could handle. We rested for awhile then headed to dinner. Cracker Barrel. It was good food but slow service. Noah touched food tonight though. We were very proud! He never touches food. Guess there is no place you cant do a little therapy. When we got up to leave a woman stopped us to tell me how well behaved our children are. We hear that a lot actually. I am one proud mama.

Back at the hotel Paul took the older 2 swimming and I am getting the younger 3 to sleep and packing. I wish I could have felt better this weekend. I feel like debbie downer. The weight I gained in the hospital is hitting me harder than I thought and harder than it should. I am very swollen and bloated and in a lot of pain most of the day and into the nights. I am not sleeping well at all. Praying for no pain tomorrow.

I will upload videos and pictures tomorrow or the next day right now I am tired and have a lot to do before morning.

Be blessed

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