Share with us as we journey through the adoption process.
"Not flesh of my flesh, Nor bone of my bone, But still miraculously my own. Never forget for a single minute, You didn't grow under my heart - but in it"
Noah had a blast playing in his cake. All I wanted for him was to smash his cake. He did! Not one piece went into his mouth, lol, but he smashed it. The backdrop was completely ruined but money well spent I say. He had a blast so did I. By the end we both were covered in cake and smelled extra sweet. The bathtub was filled with cake too. All in all it was an awesome night.
First I need to ask for prayer for Manny and his family. Manny is back in the hospital and not doing well at all. Noah and Manny have mirrored each other at times as far as crap they have to go through. Reading this morning about him terrifies me. It could have easily been us going through this this week. Then its like a survivors guilt too that we had great news yesterday and Manny didnt. Its too hard to explain, please just pray God heals Manny right now. There story is here:
Last week the doctors were deciding that since Noah doesnt stop vomiting ever he needs a GJ tube. I was in the hospital dealing with my own crap while this was being decided. I was not happy. This was a huge step in the wrong direction but God is so good and so faithful. Yesterday we went to the GI and he said that Noah does not need a GJ tube. We had come to observe that the erythamisen Noah was on for delayed gastric emptying was making him vomit. The doctor actually thanked us for observing it and bringing it to his attention. Noah had lost weight but after being put on 25mls an hour for a day or two to help the vomit and then having diarrhea from the barium from the upper GI on Friday and the low calorie formula the kid didnt have a chance to gain. He set us up with a plan increase calories from 28 to 30. Stop erythamisen, which is what I wanted. Still do continuous feeds at 40 an hour for a week see how he does then up to 42 for a week then 45 then we see the doctor and he may consider weaning him from reflux meds. This dr really listens to me. He also explains things to me.
This morning I was worried Noah had woke up and vomited but he hadnt. His extension came open and drained all his food on to him and his bed. It was gross. Thank God for the nurse who got him out of it and into a bath. He is squeaky clean and handsome as ever now. He is a happy boy today. Hoping to make his birthday cake today to use for pictures then maybe tonight take some pics of him. Heres hoping.
Hoping Noah continues to get better, healthier and stronger each day.
From the moment I heard about this film I knew I had to see it, but could I really watch that? When the movie first came out we got a few calls, frantic calls. They ask if Noah would be taken away, if that could happen to us. The answer is no, that will not happen to Noah. Tonight I watched the movie and I am glad I did. It was a beautiful story. Paul and I talked about it and what if that happened to us what would we do? Without hesitation Noah's daddy said, "We would leave the country."
It never ceases to amaze me the love that my husband has for our son. The love that I have for our baby boy. Not for one moment have I ever felt he wasnt a part of me. Noah is my soul. He has my heart. He and my girls are my world. He is as much a part of Paul and I as the girls. I dont feel any differently about him and neither does Paul. I can't even describe the love we have for our boy. Words dont do the feelings justice. I feel so blessed when I look at my children that God chose me to be their mama. When I see Paul with them I am just in awe. I never had a dad growing up or a functional relationship with a male family member so I don't know what daddy's are like.
As we talked tonight I said would we really leave the country and he said he would like to think we would but probably not. That doesnt mean we dont love our son that much. I thought about a fellow blogger who lost her daughter Waverly. They adopted her and 2.5yrs later she was returned to her biological father, no mother. I can not fathom what Waverly's family is going through. I thought about them and how they didnt leave the country, do people really leave the country in real life? How?
I thought about how the family in the movie didnt really have a faith in God and how hopeless they must have felt. To go through that without faith without hope without belief that should God choose to He can make this right in the last hour. Maybe thats why they ran? Maybe thats why people run, no hope, no faith, no trust that God's plan may be better than our own.
I yelled at the actors through the whole movie so its a good thing I didnt see it in the theater. There were 2 parts that brought me to tears. The first was when the little boy ask his dad if he was his "real" dad. Noah is a baby, he doesnt ask those questions. One day he will. Especially living in a society that tell us adoptive parents are not real.
The next one that had me just bawling was when the boy's biological mother said, "Tell him he has two mothers. One who loved him so much she couldn't let him go and one who loved him so much she had to." Wow. Doesnt that just say it all about adoption? I thought of Noah's biological mom. I think of her daily and so much more often as we are nearing Noah's first birthday. That quote just said it all for me. Noah has two mothers(technically 3) his very first mother who loved him so much she did what she felt was the very best thing for him, his Nancy who took him and spent so much time next to him at the hospital and advocating for the best for him and when her husband suggested they adopt Noah she bravely said that his mama was out there somewhere and then me who couldn't breath without him in my life.
Thank you *k* for giving us our beautiful son, thank you Nancy and Mike and family for caring for him and treating him like he was your own. Thank you God for giving my husband and I a heart for adoption, for giving me an urgency to know my child was waiting, God, thank you for my son. Thank you seems so silly to say to K, Nancy and God. Thank You, two little words that cant possible convey my heart. Words just can't say what I feel everyday that I wake up to my 5 children.
I am finally having a moment to get on here and get some pics and videos. Things are going well here back at home. I am tired well exhausted is more like it. This is not normal. I wake up with a headache and go to sleep with one. I cant focus on anything without this stabbing pain in between my eyes. The only thing that helped all weekend is coffee. So I took Excedrin and it seemed to help. Something is wrong. Praying God will heal me completely.
The vacation was great. I love going away and not having a ton of things to do each day involving other people and the medical community. We spent days bonding as a family, swimming, playing and seeing some cool places.We got to visit some great friends and the kids had such fun playing with them. I wish I had gotten pictures but I was enjoying the visit too much. The kids took some video though.
This first video is my fav! Its of Noby swimming. He puts his head under by himself too. Its great how much he loves the water.
The next one is a video Trin took of her bffs dancing. Too cute. Please pray for the family in this video. Their daughter needs healed from cancer.
This video you totally dont have to watch but it may make some cry, yes I mean you Nancy. Noah is touching food. This is huge for him he doesnt touch food. Its a big step. He feels safe to touch and not clench his mouth shut. This is huge! Mamas so proud of you big boy!
Then this one is too cute. Noah is playing in his food today for OT.
Also tonight Noah said another word BALL!!!! At one point he said Ball Mom! He was very excited, not half as excited as we are.
Today we woke up when we wanted and got ready as slowly as we wanted. I love it! We headed to the History Museum because today it was free. Rock on!
Once we got in the doors it was great. The winds outside were reaching 60mph they said we could barely move and had parked 4 blocks away.
The kids liked it. Noah wasnt too thrilled, but was a calm relaxed baby. He is so good, just goes with the flow, but what else can he do hes number 5 I think they are born to be mellow. We were kind of upset that the dinosaurs were not on display til next week and no we will not be back next week. Yes my children did ask me that, lol. I think we all had a really good time. We stayed a little over 2 hours and then headed back to swim.
I think if all we did this whole weekend was swim it would be perfectly fine with our kids. They love being in the water. I handled about an hour of swimming before my headache got to be more than I could handle. We rested for awhile then headed to dinner. Cracker Barrel. It was good food but slow service. Noah touched food tonight though. We were very proud! He never touches food. Guess there is no place you cant do a little therapy. When we got up to leave a woman stopped us to tell me how well behaved our children are. We hear that a lot actually. I am one proud mama.
Back at the hotel Paul took the older 2 swimming and I am getting the younger 3 to sleep and packing. I wish I could have felt better this weekend. I feel like debbie downer. The weight I gained in the hospital is hitting me harder than I thought and harder than it should. I am very swollen and bloated and in a lot of pain most of the day and into the nights. I am not sleeping well at all. Praying for no pain tomorrow.
I will upload videos and pictures tomorrow or the next day right now I am tired and have a lot to do before morning.
What a week! I had been looking forward to this vacation for a month now. I exercised ate healthy looked great felt great and WHAM! got hit and hit hard. I spent 3 days in the hospital and left feeling worse than I went in. The drs gave up. I called my doctor and he was not in but his on call was great she confirmed what I thought all along, a blockage. After many prayers I am now starting to feel better. Now onto the vacation.
We got to Hershey a little after 6 and the kids wanted to swim first so we did until 8 then ordered food. I do not eat after 7pm but had not eaten so I did. Noah LOVES the water. He spent the entire time splashing. I kid you not he never stopped moving his arms. Lol. He had to have his earplugs in but didnt care, he also didnt care that he got water in his eyes, lol. I think he will be an olympic swimmer. :)
The older girls are excited that they have their own room. You should see them, like little princesses. Since we are a MEGA family now(LOL) we have to get two hotel rooms. We got adjoining rooms and are taking a lot of safety precautions so they are safe. I personally dont like that we have to have 2 rooms. Maybe hotels should make their rooms bigger or just let us sleep in the one room. They dont seem to understand all my kids are young. Anyways, the hotel is B-E-A-Utiful! I love the rooms and they are huge. We could have fit all of us in one. There is a livingroom in each. I love that we get very expensive hotels in the off season for dirt cheap! :)
Tomorrow we are going to the history museum. Its free the 3rd Saturday of the month and they have dinosaurs. I dont know whos more excited. Then on Sunday its a day at Hersheys. YAY!! I know you all just skim thru my ramblings to see my cute kiddos so here you go, get your fix :)
I have to kind of sit back and laugh. I kept telling people that I cant do another hospital stay. I was talking about Noah but little did I know the next hospital stay would be me in the hospital. I have no choice but to be here. I am exhausted. I sit here and do nothing and am exhausted, it baffles me.
The nurse accidentally put in my chart that I wasnt claustrophobic. He also told me I wasnt allowed any more pain meds at all. Well he was wrong. I was allowed pain meds and finally got them after being in a ton of pain for hours. Then the MRI was horrible. I was so scared. I prayed the entire time and God brought Skillet's Whispers in the dark song to mind. It is the only thing that got me through. Although every time they moved the table I jumped very high and shook. I came up after and was in the worst pain. They still have no results and the dr came in with a smile and said if we see nothing you go home. Great that is great. Of course I want to go home but to go home and not have any answers. Why am I in pain, just go home and deal. Well this is it for me. If I go home with no answers there is no following up I have no insurance. I cant see any doctors after this.
The MRI results are still not back. I really hope they find something. Anything. I am not crazy, I am not a junky. I dont want these pills or meds I want the problem fixed.
So a few new things going on. I am writing this from the hospital. No, Noah is not in the hospital..yet, its me. I got here yesterday at 445am. They did a ct scan and thought perhaps kidney stones, but now they have changed their minds. Now I need an endoscopy, just like my baby boy had last week. Like mother like son. They did an EKG and said my heart is good. The dr said I am young and healthy so my extremely low heart rate and bp was probably from the meds. I havent eaten since Monday night at 5pm. I am HUNGRY! Today I will go at 11 for the scope. Please pray for results. Thank you.
Now on to my Noby. He is still vomiting. They decreased feeds to 15ml for several hours. Then they upped it to 20. I think he is at 20 or 25 now. Paul has been talking to the dr. I was on about 14 pain meds yesterday so when he told me I was blissfully unaware. As far as what I remember...Noah needs an upper GI with small intestine follow thru. I scheduled it from my hospital bed. This friday at 10:50. So I need to be outta here by then.
Please pray for Noah. Pray for the doctors to have wisdom and for us as his parents to make the best decision for him. I need to go now starting to feel weird.
James 1:2-4 Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.
When Noah had his endoscopy and had his formula changed I saw hope. A milk allergy, we could work with that. Talked with the doctor I had never met before, after the procedure. He said he saw some ulcers, like infections, like mono. Mono? My 11 month old has mono, get over yourself stupid, he does not have mono. Of course they dont know because the biopsies have not come back yet.
Then last night our romantic evening was cut short because Noah would not stop vomiting. We needed to get home fast. Lucky for us we were in the car dropping a man off at a shelter so all we had to do was drop him off and rush home. I called the doctor on the way home and they said stop the feeds and then reduce the rate, he was at 40ml thats only a little over an ounce an hour. We went down to 30ml. There should be no reason or way he was vomiting the amounts he is.
When the nurse called this morning she said that there is massive inflammation in his stomach. The doctors can not figure it out and we can not have a plan until the biopsies are back. The inflammation is concerning. The other doctor never told me about that.
So we wait. I am tired. Very very tired. I have stomach and back and neck pain, like gallbladder pain. I had my gallbladder out but something just is not right. No insurance though so I will wait and try to go to a free clinic that is around here. I can barely move, I dont want to eat, the house is trashed, I cant exercise, the kids all need me and I have nothing to give. What is wrong with me? Whatever this is needs to be gone I have work to do.
Have you ever been a part of something so much bigger than yourself, you sit back and say Wow God. Just Wow. Tonight I had that.
It started at a Junie B Jones play with Trinity. After the show I picked up a zagat, thats where God started this whole thing.
Sundays are date nights. Oh how we needed one too. It has been a few weeks due to illnesses. So Paul tells me he doesnt want to go to a burger joint. I suggested a few places and then looked in the zagat. Buca di Beppo. He ask if we had to have a reservation so I called. They didnt seem to understand I was only asking if we needed one not that I was making one. So our reservation was made for 5:45pm. I wasnt hungry and definitely not for Italian, but they made the reservation and I felt obligated to go. Paul found a coupon online so I was happy to be saving money.
We got to Buca at exactly 5:45. I had noticed carriage rides outside of the restaurant and decided we would have to do that after dinner. Oh my gosh was Buca AH-MAZE-ING! We had garlic bread dipped in oil and balsamic vinegar. Oh wow. So amazing. We also had manicotti, stuffed shells and stuffed ravioli. After we ate we had a manicotti, stuffed shell and 2 raviolis left. We order chocolate chip canollis to go. The dessert kept taking forever. She kept forgetting to bring it and what not. I didnt care, I was having a great night with my husband in an awesome place. I know now that God was timing that dessert perfectly. We got the dessert, paid the bill and left. We walked out the door and literally walked only a few feet and came upon a man who ask us for help. I will have Paul tell this part:
So we stopped to talk to him thinking he was going to ask for directions. He was shocked that we actually stopped to talk to him. He explained that nobody would even stop to talk to him. He was from Butler, his mom died at Christmas time and he came to the city to find a job. He was to start working at Goodwill in Lawrencville this week and his family was going to come down to join him. He was staying at shelters and trying to get on his feet. He had a shelter lined up for last night, but didn't know where it was so he had stayed on the streets and was very tired.
He told us that a church down the street let him keep his bags there, he told the priest that he was new to this... The priest said, new to the city? He said, no I'm a new Christian. He had been saved 4 days ago! He said that the priest told him that God would send his angels for him, He said well, where are they because no one will even talk to me. (this really struck me, the man was a brand new christian and felt slighted by God.)
We asked him what he needed, how could we help. He said he needed $19 in order to stay at the Light of Life Mission on the North Side. (yes, he was far from where he needed to be). I gave him a $20 and Ashlee handed him our leftovers. He said, are you kidding me?! I need to sit down for a minute. He sat on the bench and we asked again where he needed to be. He said by AGH on the north shore, and asked about the busses in Pittsburgh.
This is where we leave the comfort zone. We offered him a ride to the shelter. He was very grateful and accepted. We nervously walked to the car, Ashlee fell behind a few steps behind so she could text a few people to tell them what we were doing.. Just in case....
On the way to the car he indicated that he needed $4 to get his anti-psycotic medications (that made us feel so much more confortable). I gave him another $5 so he could get his meds. During the ride over he ate the leftovers we had given him. We finally made it to the shelter and dropped him off.
Ashlee here. Just wanted to put in my feelings during this. I ask him if he needed a ride. I dont even know how those words came out of my mouth they just did. After he accepted I saw the worry in Paul's face and the shock at what I had just done. Immediately I prayed. Ok God. This is where you come in. We are doing only what we believe we should do, what you would have us do so I need to ask a favor...keep us safe. Let us go home to our babies. I trust you. I believe in you. I TRUST YOU GOD. I had no worries. I did what I could to be safe though and texted two friends. The one I just simply said we are doing what we believe God wants us to do if I dont text you again in an hour or so call me if I dont answer call the police. I told my other friend what we were doing where we were where we were going and gave a detailed description of the man. Just in case...
We got in the car and before he got in I moved a piece of metal that had been in there for some reason and put it at my feet. If he was going to hurt us I could fight back, but really I knew he wouldnt. I just knew. I felt so much peace in that car. No worried no doubts just trust, trusting my savior with my life and my husband's.
After he left I cant explain to you the feelings I had. I was happy, excited, overjoyed, energized. I watched in the mirror him turn the corner into the alley and I thought in that alley he could just disappear. His name was Sam but what I mean is maybe his name wasnt Sam, maybe he wasnt one of us. I know you think I sound crazy right now, but what if...what if that was Jesus? Matthew 25:37-43 Then those 'sheep' are going to say, 'Master, what are you talking about? When did we ever see you hungry and feed you, thirsty and give you a drink? And when did we ever see you sick or in prison and come to you?' Then the King will say, 'I'm telling the solemn truth: Whenever you did one of these things to someone overlooked or ignored, that was me—you did it to me.'"Then he will turn to the 'goats,' the ones on his left, and say, 'Get out, worthless goats! You're good for nothing but the fires of hell. And why? Because— I was hungry and you gave me no meal, I was thirsty and you gave me no drink, I was homeless and you gave me no bed, I was shivering and you gave me no clothes, Sick and in prison, and you never visited.'
or maybe he was an angel? Hebrews 13:2 "Be ready with a meal or a bed when it’s needed. Why, some have extended hospitality to angels without ever knowing it!"
Paul and I arent sharing this story to brag and say look at what we did. Please hear our hearts tonight.We are amazed that God had faith in us to believe that we would help this man, to put us in his path. Not only were we able to help him with his immediate physical needs, but we were able to help a young Christian see that God will provide his needs.
So, I leave you with a request. Please pray for Sam and his family. That they are able to get on their feet, That Sam is able to keep his new job and that he is able to get the rest he needs tonight.
We have a job to do on Earth as Christ-followers, and this is it: Showing people God's love. I believe we had an encounter with none other than Jesus himself tonight...
This has been a week. My oh my. Up early every morning, getting 5 kids ready, going to hospitals and doctors and taking Paul to and from work. Friday was the last of my week worth of doctors. This time it was for Sarie. I guess they were testing her for Autism.
We are happy to report she is not autistic. However she does have an anxiety disorder. They told us it could be genetic. A friend of mine suggests it is a result of generational sin. Kind of like when a mom has a baby at 15 then the kid has a baby at 15 then the gradkid has a baby at 15 and so does the great grand kid. I believe it. We are not doing any kind of meds for her. I will start praying for this specific need to be gone from her life. She will also go to therapy. The only problem with therapy is that the services they recommend you cant get without a medical card from the state. So like Noah we must go to SSI and get denied then attach the denial letter to something else that I forget and then we can get the medical card and she can get some help.
If you could, please pray for God to heal our little girl. I firmly believe that God doesnt give the the spirit of fear or anxiety but the spirit of power, love and a sound mind. So God isnt giving my child anxiety, satan is and he has no business in this home.
Thank you all so much for your prayers and support. I pray that anyone who reads this blog God would bless.
We ask God that Noah's test today would show something. Seeing something meant we would know what we are dealing with. God answered that prayer. We are grateful to Him.
The doctor came and showed me the pictures and told me that he had some ulcers or erosion in his stomach. His best guess was infection, like mono he said. Mono? like the kissing disease? Really? He isnt my doctor, I dont know him and his eyes were very bloodshot before the procedure so he wasnt on my friends list. He said they cant know anything until the biopsies come back. They should be back in a week. He said not to do anything new until they come back. Here are what the tests say, anyone know what this means?
-erythemateous mucosa- stomach antrum
-erosion- duodenum bulb
-erosion- stomach body of the stomach
-erythemateous mucosa- stomach body of the stomach
The rest all said normal. So we saw something on the pictures, the biopsies were done, but we have to wait a week for results. The waiting is the worst. I will try to keep busy, that will not be hard, lol.
For now our boy is taking all his toys out of his bin and putting them all over the floor, lol. He needs to take it easy until tomorrow for recovery. I called Nancy and updated her. I waited until things settled down to call his birthmom, but she was at work and will call later. It has been an extremely long day. I am tired. It all starts again tomorrow with another child and even earlier than today. Lord give me strength.
Oh and please pray for my husband. He wants to get a certain position work wise and we are praying he will. It will really help our family.
So this has been a full and blessed week. Monday Paul was home so he got to go with me to 4 appointments. I blogged about that already I think.
Tuesday was my favorite. No appointments only 1 therapy. No nurse either so just me and the kids in jammies all day. Oh how I love lazy days. It was great.
Wednesday had a very early appointment so I had to get whole fam up extra early to take Paul to work then head to the doctors. Noah's GI is a wonderful doctor. The nurse got there just as we were heading back and kept the kids in the waiting room for me. I am so blessed. Just me and Noah listening to the doctor. He did puke everywhere on the way to the doctor and then his tube spilled all over my shirt but I had a change for him so it wasnt bad. The doctor changed his formula and seems to think there could be a milk soy protein allergy that Noah is suffering from. They gave us 7 free cans and told me to call the number on the box and get more free cans sent to me. The only thing I would have done differently was NOT taken the laxative last night. O U C H! Doctor said Noah has to be on continuous feeds indefinitely. That was kind of a bummer. Thankfully it was a short n sweet visit.
Thursday we will be taking Paul to work so we can go to Noah's endoscopy. The nurse will be there with us so that will be nice. They have to put him to sleep which is always concerning due to his extensive medical conditions, but our God is faithful. I trust God will bring him thru and am not worried. His scope is at 8:45am. So if you think to pray for him that would be great. We also have a friend whose child is having the same thing done the same day at the same hospital. Pray for her as well.
Friday we have an appointment for Sarie a little over an hour away. It will be a 2 hour appointment. We will have to wake up even earlier than the rest of the week and get Paul to work. Noah will be able to stay home with the nurse so that will be good. Then Trinity is having a birthday sleepover with her bff and we are going for manicures and pedicures
Saturday is basketball for 2 kids. This seems to be our most difficult day. The games are at 9 and 12. We both want to support our kids and so we go as a family. We have no nurse on the weekends which is fine by us because it is family time, but it is hard to take Noah to the games. He has to be fed continuously so that means in his car seat attached to some tubes and bags and very noticeable to the onlookers. Then we have church.
Sunday I have to shoot both morning services. The kids will rest at home as will the husband. Trin and I will be going to see Junie B Jones as part of her birthday gift. Then our fantabulous babysitter comes over and its a night out with the man that rocks my world. Just me and him, shhh dont tell Paul ;)
I will be happy when I too can rest, but am so blessed. Sarie's ped said we would have to wait until summer to get that appointment so when they said Fri I was like YES! I will take it! The scope was set for May 20th so that is great we can do it thursday. We hope and pray that the scope will tell us something. So thats what we are up to this week, we still have therapies all week too. Busy and blessed
All in a days work. Why did I ever feel like today was a good day to wear heels. O U C H! We started our day at the hospital for our 11am appointment at Genetics. They measured everything and I couldnt understand a word she said. After the exam she said he is going to have a lot of issues when he is older and she didnt need to see us for 2 yrs.
Well for one I dont believe he will have a lot of issues. My God is healing my son. I am not worried. I trust God knows what He is doing with Noah. I am confused about not wanting to see us for 2yrs. Seems like they could learn a lot about Trisomy 8 in ages 1, 2 and 3.
ENT was next. I thought this would be a quick in and out. They looked in his ears and his tubes were still there and all looked good. Then they tell me he has to have a hearing test. He had 3 separate hearing test today. He fell asleep during the last one. ENT says all was fantastic and we could go back in a year. Great!
Ortho was next. We got there just in a few minutes early but they took us right back. The doctor agreed that Noah's DFAO's were just about too small. So he casted him and we picked out new dfao designs. Paul was there with me and he got to see exactly how it was done. He thought it was pretty cool. We picked blue camo dfaos with black velcro with skateboarders on the velcro. I think he will look cute. He always does. The DFAOs are helping him so much. They will be what helps him walk. We should have them in a few weeks.
The Ped was the last. This appointment was for Sarie. We have noticed some things that just have us a bit concerned. The doctor said that it was very good that we brought her in. She said Sarie was quite unique and not in a bad way. She can do multiplication like 4x3 and 6x4 and 5x6. That is amazing. The doctor said she couldnt have memorized the answers because that is not likely in a 3 yr old. If she is advanced right now at 3 the doctor said she could be doing calculus in kindergarten. Oh Lord help me! Some things we need to work on are her social skills and the doctors thinks she has OCD. What we can do now for her is get her into therapy and get a study done at the Child development Unit. They may not be able to fit us in for that until June, but we will call tomorrow. The therapy we can start soon.
So there ya have it. Nothing is really wrong with my Sarie other than the fact that she is a genius, lol!
Then we got a blessing. I have been not so good and complaining that my house is not my own. In particular my entertainment stand that my husband made for me. It is covered in toys. Sigh! Well I had wanted one of those black leather ottoman. It looks really cool and I could use it for pictures, like a prop for newborns, and it also is like a toy box too. Target had them clearanced but not enough for me to justify buying it. Then I went to Goodwill and they had them but they were more there than at Target. Side note- SHAME ON YOU GOODWILL! So anyways my friend had one and was getting another one and she gave me the old one. Oh what a blessing. I love that God knows our desires even our wants that we dont really need and He gives them to us because He wants to make us happy. I could not be happier. I love it! So it is in my living room full of toys and my entertainment stand is once again my own. Thank you BFF and Thank You God!!!
Another bit of good news is that the scope they had scheduled for May 20th for Noah is now being moved up. I have to call the dr at 7am tomorrow and we will schedule the scope. Noah will have to be put under for it so please pray for him. We have friends who have a little girl that will have this same scope Thursday so please pray for her as well. Also the doctor is listening to me. Finally a doctor who listens. I dont pretend I know what is going on but when I notice changes in my baby I report them. Noah gets congested and coughs when he has his formula. When he is on pedialite he doesnt. The doctor thinks it could be an allergy. The scope can see that and can see if he has crones or celiaics or other things. For now he wants to change the formula. We will see on Wednesday when we see him. I am glad he is considering this. The other doctor just brushed me off.
I will leave you with a laugh. While at the Peds AJ wanted Paul to take off his jacket. So at the top her lungs she yell, " U JACK OFF U JACK OFF!" She calls her jacket a jack, lol. I am sure the rest of the office just thought we were bad parents. LOL
So that was my day. A very long one but a good one. Praise God!
How nice of the Steeler's to be make it to the Superbowl for Noah's first time. Yay!
We plan on celebrating as a family. I think Paul thinks he is in the south, fried everything with bacon! He is making tater tots wrapped in bacon(gag). I am making sausage chili and sweet n sour meatballs. I am also making my famous manicotti but I am freezing it for some day next week.
We have our terrible towels and each of us will have our Steeler gear on. Its gonna be loud in here. Paul has not been permitted to shave his bread since mid season. I noticed they were winning and so I told him he was not allowed to shave, so he may be shaving tomorrow night, lol. We plan on having a great day at home. Some stores are closing early and it seems more like a holiday like Thanksgiving rather than just a Sunday. We are going to wake up late and have a nice breakfast and relax the rest of the day. I cant wait! Its going to be the best day!!!
HERE WE GO STEELERS HERE WE GO! HERE WE GO STEELERS HERE WE GO!!!! Praying for a good game, no serious injuries and a victory for the Steelers. Be blessed
My friend let me know that last night we all lost a little piece of heaven. Meah Dianne was born January 25th 2011 at 7:02am weighing 2.6lbs and 15.5 inches long. She earned her wings I believe last night Feb. 3rd. She lived 9 very short days. She had Trisomy 18. She is survived by her twin sister Mylah, her mommy and daddy, brother and sister, cousin and more.
Please pray for this family. I can not even imagine the loss they are feeling right now. While we rejoice in knowing that she is with Jesus and healed from all things that hurt her here that still does not take the pain away from all who knew her or know her family.
Lord, Thank you for being Lord of our life. Even in the depth of our pain and suffering we praise you. Thank you for Meah. Thank you that her family got to see her and had those precious 9 days with her. Thank you for such Godly parents she has. I pray you would comfort them now in their season of grieving. I pray they would feel you ever so near. I pray that you would hold them up when they feel they cant stand. I know hold every tear they cry God. I pray for Meah's brothers and sisters that you would help them through this. Bless this family Lord. Even though we prayed she would be healed on earth we know that you are God. We thank you that Meah's body is whole and healed. In your name we pray. Amen.
I think I briefly wrote on here about doing a fundraiser for Warner. He was our Christmas angel and is now our valentines day angel. I started getting healthy on Dec 31st. I pledge to give 1.00 per pound I lose to Warner for his adoption. The dates are from Dec 31st- Mach 14th. Will you join with and pledge as well. My starting weight was 215. Money will go into the chip-in that goes directly to Warner's bank account at Reese's Rainbow. Money is not due until after March 14th.
Will you pledge right now to donate one dollar(or what ever amount you can) per pound that I lose? I have a blog that I update everyday about the weight. I know we can come up with an excuse known to man as to why we shouldnt give or as to why I dont really need to lose weight I should just eat drink and be merry, but we are God's hands and feet and we must move. If we don't then shame on us. Please "Be the Change"
My littlest love bug is 11 months old today. What?! Are you kidding? It seems like just yesterday we got the call about a baby boy in Texas and were getting our hopes up having our hearts broken in Russia. He is our Psalm 30:5 Though sorrow may last for the night, joy comes in the morning.
At 11 months old we marvel at the child he is. Noah, which is now affectionately referred almost 100% of time as Noby, is just amazing. The things that typical kids do at 11 months he was never to do so the things that he is doing now make us smile.
He sits independently. He puts weight on his arms. Noby claps. He cries, which they tell me is a great thing. Noby can push himself up on all fours and rock back and forth. mama and dada are his favorite words. He hits. We are still proud of this feature :) He can stand for short periods of time holding on to things. Noby now knows a routine. He takes a nap everyday at 3pm. He bangs toys together. Noby loves his sisters and finds them very amusing. He is a tiny tot. Noby is a good 3 inches or more smaller than Cherry was at the same age.
Noby isnt feeling too good and has vomited everyday this week. We have a wonderful gastro doctor that is calling me himself daily. I appreciate that. We are just so blessed right now. We have four beautiful daughters and a beautiful son. Even with all the doctors and hospital stays and even though every inch of this house has been vomited on we would not trade it for the world!
Happy 11 months Noby! We sure do love you! Be Blessed
A baby died yesterday because his hospital ran out of oxygen and after going to several other hospitals with the same problem his heart stopped.
I know what your thinking. How can this happen? A hospital should have oxygen, thats crazy! There should be a lawsuit or something. But see here's the thing, hospitals in Africa dont have what hospitals here have. It isnt just a given that a hospital has everything they need to save a life. How blessed we are here. So blessed that when Noah needs life saving surgery it is just a 20 minute drive and no wait time at the local childrens hospital. When he needs medication or medical supplies I can make a call and have them delivered next day to my door. When my 2yr olds airway is closing and she has 104 degree fever a doctor can give her something to open the airway and calm the fever. Wow, how different.
Here is the story of the night baby Harrison died click here.
Thank you Lord for blessing me so much. For always giving me above and beyond what I deserve.
I love when a new life enters this world! Such joy and celebration! This morning at 4:33am my best friend Breana had her 4th child Ezra Grey. What a great name!! I told her if she didnt use it I would lol. Ezra was a prophet of the Old Testament, a priest who returned to Judah from exile in Babylon. Ezra means Aid or help. Grey is an English name meaning pleasant. One meaning of grey is also gray haired which I think is funny which Ezra meaning aid or help so watch out Breana this child may aid in you getting gray hair, lol!! We will just chose to believe he will help others and be pleasant. I pray that Ezra Grey would give his family a lifetime of happiness and be a child after God's own heart. Be blessed Ezra and family.
I love babies! I love how teeny they are, so perfect all of them are. I love their smell and their soft soft skin. Tonight I have the pleasure of meeting Ezra and taking his pictures. He will be less than a full day old. I have looked forward to this since she was about 6 weeks pregnant. Ezra like all babies is a true miracle from God. I want to capture that on film. I dont think I have ever been more excited to take a picture.
This morning as I was waiting for the text announcing his arrival, getting all of 3 maybe 4 hours sleep I thought about Noah's birthmom. Breana told me how much in love she is with Ezra after him being just minutes old and how she never wanted to put him down. Then I thought about how much she loved him and how much all mothers love their children (in an ideal world just go with it) and how we would feel handing that child to another woman not for a moment but for a lifetime. I thought about the paper the birthmother signs giving away her right to the child she bore. When I imagined this my chest hurt so much I couldnt imagine doing this and I am sure no mom just giving birth would want to either. It gave me a new apprechiation for our child's first mother. I am so grateful for her.
I thought about how hard it is for me just to give my children over to God let alone having to give them to another woman. See I am a person who likes control. I feel safer. The world has taught me if I do this this and this then this will happen. Logically. But God is teaching me that nothing is impossible and He has a better way than I could ever make for my kids.
So daily I will pray that I can give my children over to God and know that they are safer there than anywhere. I hope that Ezra's mama(man do I love that name!) will allow me to post a few pictures I take of him up here bc my gosh is he just stunning!
Please pray for a speedy recovery for mom and rest for the whole family. Pray for God's will in their lives as a family of 6. Welcome to the big families club prepare to be stared at and ask all the funny questions that us moms of many blog about. Please also pray for my other friend's twin girls who are a week old today. One is doing amazing and the other who has trisomy 1 is fighting. I thank the Lord for every day that they have with their girls. Also pray for one more family who lost their baby at 14 weeks gestation. And one more if you can fit it in, pray for continued healing among my sick kiddos. Thanks so much.