"Not flesh of my flesh, Nor bone of my bone, But still miraculously my own. Never forget for a single minute,
You didn't grow under my heart - but in it"
Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Sunday, December 5, 2010

More than an answered prayer

When I prayed a year ago for God to put adoption on my husband's heart I could have never imagined the changes in him that God would do. People that have met my husband know he is a good man. A man that you can't say anything bad about. He lives his life in a way that people are attracted to him. They know without him ever saying that he is a Christ follower. He is an example to many people. Often he will never utter a word but when he speaks people listen and what he says is profound.

The changes over the past year just amaze me. I mean this was a man who led many to Christ just simply by walking the halls of his high school carrying a Bible. All I wanted was for God to put a fire in Paul's heart for adoption so that we could have another child. Greedy I know. :) Over the last year though it was more than having a heart for one adoption of our one child. Everyday he makes conscience choices to use less so he can give more. He told me that when he realized that what he was spending a week on lunches at work that he could go without lunch because that would be this many more kids we could sponsor. What a man!

I truly am so very blessed to have him as my best friend and as leader of my home. Paul- you make me incredibly proud. God- thank you so much for hearing my prayer and seeing my heart and doing so much more than I could have ever dreamed.

Be blessed


  1. Ashlee - Noah is so gorgeous! Those teeth! And how his hair has grown! It sounds like you have a wonderful life-partner, as do I. We are very blessed aren't we? Your family is always in my prayers! Love and hugs to you! Kelli

  2. I happen to have had the pleasure of being one of those people who walked the hallways with Paul in high school. I can even remember him leading a Bible study in one of our study halls! You and your family are truly blessed to have such a strong leader in your family!
