"Not flesh of my flesh, Nor bone of my bone, But still miraculously my own. Never forget for a single minute,
You didn't grow under my heart - but in it"
Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Friday, December 31, 2010

2010 in Pictures

January and February

We were on the adoption road to a girl in Russia or so we thought. Trinity turned 9 years old!!

March was uneventful to us. Little did we know that our son was born that month. And a beautiful woman would birth him and chose us to care for him.

April we were all starting to thaw and spend more time out of the house. We also learned that we had lost our little girl in Russia.

May lots of things were happening. Charidy turned 6!! We found out about Noah and I spent my last Mothers day without my son. On my grams birthday May 26th we met our son for the first time. May 28th we celebrated our Gotcha day when Noah was in our family forever. May was also the month we got not only a son but 5 new family members, Mike, Nancy, Meaghan, Emily and Ally. This was truly a blessed month.

The summer months we spent celebrating firsts with our family of 7, including a first fathers day with a son. We had parties with friends, days at the beach, camping, VBS, Ministry Art Camp, we renewed our vows, trips to museums and zoo. This was the first year for over night camp too! We also started a family favorite-Geocaching! Lots and lots of fun!We also had many trips to hospital and one for a little lady who busted her lip open :(

August Noah and I went for a vacation to see family(Mike, Nancy and gals) and had a fabulous time hanging out at the pool and beach and geocaching.

September landed us in the hospital again for Noah's first surgery with us. He got a gtube.He did great!

October was dedication month and also AJ turned 2!! Noah was dedicated to the Lord and Nancy came in to see. AJ had a fantastic costume/abby cadabby party.

November was Noah's first thanksgiving and our first as a family of 7. We had a great day with family. We also prepared for Christmas by packing a shoebox for a child in need. Also Paul had a birthday and despite his bad math and failing memory he is 31 not 30 as he claims.

December was Noah's first Christmas that he was to sick to enjoy. We spent the month baking cookies and cakes for friends and neighbors. Noah had a week long hospital stay starting christmas night. He had his 2nd surgery with us.

Regardless of the many hospital visits and stays 2010 was the best year yet! We have 5 beautiful wonderful well behaved children. We have our first son, the first grandson and great grandson. We love each other more each day. We love God with all our hearts and 2010 brought a great awakening to the plight of the orphan and God's heart. We are truly blessed.

What will 2011 bring? I havent a clue, but with God all things are possible and HE will give us strength.

I pray that all of you have a very very blessed 2011.

Be blessed

1 comment:

  1. What a GREAT post! You have a BEAUTIFUL family!!!
    Happy New Year!
