"Not flesh of my flesh, Nor bone of my bone, But still miraculously my own. Never forget for a single minute,
You didn't grow under my heart - but in it"
Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Hospital day 1

Today Noah has gone from the worst I have ever seen him to much improved. He slept all but 15 minutes. Tomorrow is surgery. What can I say? I dont want to see him like he was after his gtube surgery that was so hard. I hope this one isnt as rough on him. It is hard seeing your baby like this and not being able to help. His doctors here seem more competent. Only one guy got on my nerves today but today was the last day of his rotation.

I am just so grateful to you all for praying. Please keep them coming. I can certainly feel them. I am also thankful to a certain bestie who calmed me down and listened to me cry and helped me to get a plan together and take one day at a time. Today I had a plan, kids are taken care of(thank you), Noah is taken care of and that is all that matters. Tomorrow we will do the same. Its all we can do. I am taking a lot of pictures to remember this time in our lives. I am trying to love on him best I can but he wants to be left alone so I wash his hair and stroke his hair until he falls asleep. I am trying to remember always that feeling of how it felt, so soft. Anyways I will leave you with some pictures. Hopefully he will look better tomorrow but these pictures are much improvement.

Be blessed


  1. Oh My Goodness, I haven't meet you or known of your adoption of Noah, but he is one of the most beautiful children I have ever laid eyes on. Immediately my heart was drawn to pray for him!
    I would say it was God showing me how to, and for him to pray.
    God bless, Larry B.

  2. Thank you. We think so too. You should see him when he isnt sick :)

    Be blessed

  3. My heart is breaking for you, Ashlee and Paul. Please don't mistake my silence for lack of love and concern. I feel like I need to find the right words of comfort and I keep coming up blank. So I'll just say that my heart and my eyes are crying for you and your family. If you need anything at all, even if it's just a shoulder to cry on, please let me know. (((hugs)))

  4. We have been praying too. I can't even imagine what you are going through.
