"Not flesh of my flesh, Nor bone of my bone, But still miraculously my own. Never forget for a single minute,
You didn't grow under my heart - but in it"
Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Thursday, December 2, 2010

9 months old

Noah is 9 months old. He weighs 17lbs. Has 3 teeth, one top 2 bottom and looks so funny but cute. He gets up on all fours by himself which is huge. He loves to stand. His Dfao's help with that. He learned a new word, MINE! Let's face it in a house full of women he needs to know that word. He also says mama, dada. He loves to dance and babble.

Noah has had a rough few months and it makes for a tired and worn out mama. Every inch of this house has been covered in vomit and I am ashamed to admit I am weary. Could you pray for Noah and me and Paul and the girls. This affects all of us. We go to and from the hospital and thats about it. We are afraid to go anywhere bc of all the vomit. We are all a little feverish in this cabin, lol.

He has his good days though. Today was a one. He had a blast getting his 9 month pics taken. We didnt do them in my studio I was too tired so the couch made do. Take a peek...

How would you like to win an Ipad? Click HERE and help save an orphan with DS from an institution. If his adopting is fully funded they will not transfer him. If you donate before Dec 12th I think it is you will get your name entered to win an ipad. Its win win this holiday season. I hope you will give! Also please dont forget to give to our christmas angel Warner. I am giving away a photoshoot to anyone locally who gives. Please give this holiday season. We are God's body and these children are God's heart, they are His children, He needs His body to move and help them.

Be blessed

1 comment:

  1. Is Noah a red head? I didn't notice that last Saturday! We'll definitely have to get Noah and Leah together...two red heads :D
