"Not flesh of my flesh, Nor bone of my bone, But still miraculously my own. Never forget for a single minute,
You didn't grow under my heart - but in it"
Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Friday, December 31, 2010

2010 in Pictures

January and February

We were on the adoption road to a girl in Russia or so we thought. Trinity turned 9 years old!!

March was uneventful to us. Little did we know that our son was born that month. And a beautiful woman would birth him and chose us to care for him.

April we were all starting to thaw and spend more time out of the house. We also learned that we had lost our little girl in Russia.

May lots of things were happening. Charidy turned 6!! We found out about Noah and I spent my last Mothers day without my son. On my grams birthday May 26th we met our son for the first time. May 28th we celebrated our Gotcha day when Noah was in our family forever. May was also the month we got not only a son but 5 new family members, Mike, Nancy, Meaghan, Emily and Ally. This was truly a blessed month.

The summer months we spent celebrating firsts with our family of 7, including a first fathers day with a son. We had parties with friends, days at the beach, camping, VBS, Ministry Art Camp, we renewed our vows, trips to museums and zoo. This was the first year for over night camp too! We also started a family favorite-Geocaching! Lots and lots of fun!We also had many trips to hospital and one for a little lady who busted her lip open :(

August Noah and I went for a vacation to see family(Mike, Nancy and gals) and had a fabulous time hanging out at the pool and beach and geocaching.

September landed us in the hospital again for Noah's first surgery with us. He got a gtube.He did great!

October was dedication month and also AJ turned 2!! Noah was dedicated to the Lord and Nancy came in to see. AJ had a fantastic costume/abby cadabby party.

November was Noah's first thanksgiving and our first as a family of 7. We had a great day with family. We also prepared for Christmas by packing a shoebox for a child in need. Also Paul had a birthday and despite his bad math and failing memory he is 31 not 30 as he claims.

December was Noah's first Christmas that he was to sick to enjoy. We spent the month baking cookies and cakes for friends and neighbors. Noah had a week long hospital stay starting christmas night. He had his 2nd surgery with us.

Regardless of the many hospital visits and stays 2010 was the best year yet! We have 5 beautiful wonderful well behaved children. We have our first son, the first grandson and great grandson. We love each other more each day. We love God with all our hearts and 2010 brought a great awakening to the plight of the orphan and God's heart. We are truly blessed.

What will 2011 bring? I havent a clue, but with God all things are possible and HE will give us strength.

I pray that all of you have a very very blessed 2011.

Be blessed

Home Day 1

We all slept well. Noah vomited a lot this morning. His stomach seems big. The doctor said that he didnt consider that a failure of the meds or anything. He feels like that is what tolerating a feed means, vomit, cough, congestion and gagging. Hmmm I think that would all mean he isnt tolerating them, but I am only a mom not a doctor.

We headed out to the bookstore and grocery shopping and Kohls today. He didnt vomit anymore. We took his meds and food with us. He was dressed for the first time in a week. We figured since it was a holiday we would put shoes on and not the dfaos. He did really well out. It was very different having just one out and not 5, a lot less looks, lol.

The doctor called and said he had adno virus? He said it takes on symptoms like the flu and nothing to do but wait for it to pass. He is playing in his fire truck right now. He loves it. The differences in him are like night and day. He is so much more happy. Noah is babbling a lot more too. We feel so blessed to have him as our son.

Be blessed

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Homeward Bound!

Time off for good behavior! Thats right we are headed home! After a very long 5 days they have deemed us worthy enough to be chosen for release. The other kids and moms are jealous. T minus 1 hour and 15 minutes in counting. Doctors dont fail me now!

We are beyond thrilled! First though we do have to make a trip to the 3rd floor and get fitted for ear plugs. Then we probably have to go to the store since I have not been home in a week. The roads are icy and dangerous but we will get home. God brought us this far. Pray for safety and healing though please.

I will update again later. Thank you all for the support and prayers. I can not wait to see my gals and have my family back together. That comes on Saturday because the roads are bad and I refuse to be in a car on Dec 31st.

Be blessed

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Hospital day 4

Today was a great day! Noah is happy and looking better and even grabbed a bottle and stuck it in his mouth and took 10ml. Way to go Noby One! He had PT today and stood from sitting, another first! We were given some new info from a friend about Trisomy 8 and it was exciting not devastating! Y'all must be some awesome prayer warriors. Please continue to pray for Noah and complete healing, that he would be able to eat and move more.

I am trying to upload the video but as for now it wont let me.

The tears keep flowing, good ones I assure you. I read what a friend of ours wrote to win a contest. The contest was to win a gift certificate for someone and her words brought me to tears..."I would love to win one of these dolls for my friend Ashlee. Her and her husband adopted a little boy Noah with special needs. He is in and out of the hospital. She has 4 other children at home. I know she could really use the encouragement." Though I believe she did not win that does not matter to me. This mom lost 2 babies. 2! In the midst of her grief she thought of me and I am truly humbled. Thank you, you know who!
Our nurse we have tonight follows Reese's Rainbow and a lot of the blogs that I do. How small a world?! She said she hopes to adopt a child with down syndrome off of Reese's Rainbow. PRAISE THE LORD! And Paul said that Baby Be Blessed has ask people on facebook to pray for Noah. That is a company that has integrity. I pray God blesses that business and I pray that the nurse will adopt that child with down syndrome.

So many people praying for Noah. Thank you all so much!

What a God we serve! What a God WE serve!

be blessed

AH MAZE ING Support!

I am blown away by the amount of people I hear are praying for our baby Noah. Wow! I am praying for each and every one of you to be blessed beyond anything you ever dreamed. If there is anything specific anyone wants me to pray for please leave me a comment and I will pray, I promise.

I feel more peaceful and restful not due to sleep or anything but I know solely due to the prayers going up for us all right now. Noah feels good, a little bored but otherwise better. One thing though is every time he gets a feeding his congestion is back as well as the cough and gagging. So we need some insight in this.

Some of you made suggestions and I have taken them all to the doctor who in my heart I know thinks I am stupid. He dismisses every suggestion and moves on. He shrugs his shoulders arrogantly and without explanation tells me I am wrong. He also doesnt agree with how we live our life. Please pray that God will change his hardened judgmental heart and put him on fire for the Lord.

I wish I could see or talk to or know all of you reading this blog and praying for my son. You have really shown what the body of God looks like. You have prayed for us whether we go to your church or not, whether you have met us or our child, whether you live near or far and I am so grateful to you. Some days are hard. Noah sleeps all day and seems to come alive when his dadddy gets here and then goes back to sleep at midnight and he and I are woken up thru the night with vitals and tests and up the butt temperatures, no fun. We are in isolation from other patients so no going to the play area or anything. We were suppose to have our 3rd negative mrsa test but they lost it so here we stay, door closed and only 4 walls all day. Loneliness is big here.

Anyways I will update later just wanted to say how grateful I am to all of you who pray for us and love us from afar.

Be blessed

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

O Happy Night

Sorry about the gloomy post earlier. I really did not feel like talking. Now I have my husband beside me, I saw pictures of my kiddos and Noah is in an activity thingy and smiling like he hasnt in a long time. Life is good!

In order to go home he must tolerate a bolus feed. We hope we can achieve this and soon.

Also I wanted to give a shout out to all you Texans I hear are prayin for my boy. Thank you so much. When we go back to Texas we will have to meet up. And to those of you who are not Texans but are praying for Noah, thank you. God is so good. He is healing him and giving Paul and I strength.

Be blessed

Update day 3

DRG doctor came in. We have two options. Surgery now or medicine now. I actually like having someone give me two options and not have a new doctor come in discounted those and adding 2 new ones. We have chosen medication for 2-3 weeks. If it doesnt not work then we will have to do surgery.

My thoughts...

I do not want him on medication for the rest of his life. What kind of complications will that be for Noah?

I do not want him to have surgery because I am his mama and dont want him to be in any pain or go through unnecessary risks.

My husband is the head of house and I went with his decision on this.

We can not go home until he tolerates a bolus feed.

I am too tired to talk right now.

Be blessed

Hospital day 3

Noah is getting stronger and better each day. I noticed that after his reflux meds he coughs and gags and tries to vomit. Hopefully the doctors will listen. I have some doctors coming in saying that he has scans today but no one has told me he has. I also am still waiting to hear if I need to do his ear drops or if they will. They said 9am but its 10 now and they didnt give them last night so I am a bit worried. Also the infectious disease doctor came in and told us he was negative (his 3rd!!) for MRSA. YAY! But he also said we had scans to do today and no one told me or said anything. I was like what the heck? Where is the guy from the DRG? Isnt he suppose to be handling things so 50 freaking people dont come up and tell me things?

So many people talking to me and not putting anything in his charts and then I look crazy because I am saying things no one put in the computer. The nurse is helping a lot and has been calling doctors. I am so sick of this crap! GOd bless the nurses thats all I can say! Here are some pics.

Be blessed