"Not flesh of my flesh, Nor bone of my bone, But still miraculously my own. Never forget for a single minute,
You didn't grow under my heart - but in it"
Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Private Nursing

I found out this morning that we get private nursing Monday through Friday. I am grateful for this, I really am, but....I have mixed feelings about it.

Someone will be in my home daily. Here solely to take care of the son I adopted and promised to take care of myself. I feel like it makes me a bad person to get help. We chose this. He isnt even that bad.

For now it is for the next 6 weeks and we will re-evaluate after that. I guess right now I am caring more what the world thinks than what God thinks. God knew we would be getting help and the help is here for a reason.

Be blessed


  1. We received private nursing for YEARS for Angela, and she still qualifies for 40 hours a week of PCA services (though we never use that since I'm always home) Do NOT feel guilty. Noah qualifies for a reason. His level of care right now is high, and parent burnout is a bad thing. You need to be able to take care of YOU in order to continue being a good parent to him AND your other kids. You also have other kids who need your attention. None of us can predict the level of care our children will need as they get older, or go through various medical challenges. You could not predict this when you adopted Noah, but even if you had, you still would have said YES to adopting him. It doesn't matter that you CHOSE him, every parent needs a break. Can you just get any babysitter to care for him so that you can get a night out with your husband, or with just your older kids? I'm thinking probably not, given he has a gtube you have to be pretty selective, and that's IF you have anyone comfortable enough to deal with the gtube...and the severe reflux! How many parents do you personally know (as in real life) who deal with those things on a daily basis? I bet not many of your real life in person friends are! When was the last time you and your husband got to go out with those friends and not worry about who was taking care of Noah for the evening?

    That said, it IS hard to get used to having someone in your house. You may not like the 1st...2nd...or even 3rd person who works for you. If you don't like them, TELL the agency! You don't want to just settle for whoever the agency sends just because. You have to feel comfortable with that person in your house. Are you able to do your own hiring? If so, sometimes it works well to find a college kid you know, or a friend who is willing to do the care (gtube usually only requires CNA certification, not RN or LPN)

    Our favorite caregiver for Angela when she was little was with us 40 hours a week for 3 years. She was wonderful, and fit our family well, but I had to fire a few people before I found her.

  2. Thank Leah! Ill message you on your blog. Be blessed

  3. Just saw your post about your first applicant. OH my goodness! I would have asked, "When is he supposed to learn to crawl and walk if you can't have him on the floor?" We have a few interview stories, like the one where I put in the job description: "Must be highly energetic and enjoy outdoor activities. MUST be a good swimmer." (this was for Angela who is extremely hyperactive and swims every day.) Of the four people who interviewed, only one could swim.

  4. I agree. You have to find the right person that fits your lifestyle and not just "take what you get". I think this will be a wonderful break that your family deserves. It will allow you to focus some of your attention on other things besides g-tubes and vomit.

  5. I soo understand your feelings. I wish so bad our insurance would pay for a housekeeper or even a few days a week merry maid so I CAN take care of my child better. I dont want someone else to care for him, I want to do it . that would help me more than someone else comin in to do what I want to and am doing. seems messed up and they would save money too
