I had never even heard of that verse until we started the adoption process the last time around. The verse in the adoption world means that the orphans (lonely) get mamas and daddies.
For me that verse means something different. God set me in a family. I was lonely. I had a rough start in life. A rough middle too. But God brought me thorough and I wouldn't change it because I may not be who I am today had I not been through some stuff.
Today on the way to the gym(I had huge aspirations) I was talking to God. The Spirit was moving right there in my car. I love that I serve a God who will meet me where I am. He helped me realize that I was lonely and now I have a family. He didnt set me in my kids lives He set my kids in my life. He saw how much I had always wanted a family and He did not leave me as an orphan. He came for me and gave me life more abundant. I use to think that I was the girl that would never have what others had. That love of a family. I can't change the past. But God, He is so wonderful. He gave me a family. A beautiful, lovely, wonderful at times crazy, large family!
I am so blessed.
God sets the lonely in families. Psalm 68:6
Be blessed
Isn't He awesome! You've got a beautiful family!