Like I said it is coming along. I am struggling right now with ocd. Everything is everywhere and I am seriously stressing about it. I cleaned upstairs today and took some pictures. When I see the pictures I dont think its too bad but seeing it in person I think its awful, horrible, unlivable! Im trying to
In other news we did get a new vehicle. I didnt let my vanity get in the way either. We chose a vehicle that would fit us, reasonably priced and kinda cool looking. So it isnt a 2011 fully loaded 38,000.00 van like we are driving(rental)now. The rental has so pampered me and to everything there is a season. I cant in good conscience buy a car for the amount of an international adoption. Priorities. If you can thats great Im not knocking you, but as for me and my house we were drive used. This will be our first car payment in 11 years. It will be paid off very quickly though and has a 2 year full warranty and free oil changes for as long as we are paying on it. It doesnt stick out like a sore thumb and I am not embarrassed by it. Just like our house there are probably 5 others on our block just like it. What is it you ask? A
So all in all things are like I said coming along.
Be blessed
You are doing a great job considering you have 5 kids 10 & under! My house doesn't look that clean & I only have 2 left, big 2, but just 2. One thing I wished I'd learn though is to throw out as much as comes in. I have managed to fill this big house up to over flowing! This summer (once I get school stuff in) I am pitching!!! I've already started to do that.