Today we went to the hospital in Dallas to have a swallow study done. I fully believed they would tell us that Noah would need surgery to fix his sub mucus cleft palate. We did the test and the doctors all agreed...they could not see a sub mucus cleft!
Praise the Lord Noah is healed!!! PTL! You are my Jehovah Rapha, my God who heals. Thank you Lord.
I called his birthmom immediately and she said she was so happy to get the voicemail and was so filled with joy she cried. :) What a beautiful girl.
I just cant believe how great our God is and how much He loves Noah. I was ok with Noby having the cleft, but God saw fit to give Noah a healing, a miracle. Thank You!!!
Thank you everyone who has prayed for our son. Without your prayers this would not have happened. The Bible says where two or more are gathered in My name, My Father goes into action.
Today was a day of celebrating!
Be blessed
God is indeed good! And Noah seems to be thriving down there in Texas.