"Not flesh of my flesh, Nor bone of my bone, But still miraculously my own. Never forget for a single minute,
You didn't grow under my heart - but in it"
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Monday, January 16, 2012

He said what?!

Below is the message I sent to Bob Marshalls personal facebook page. I could not sit by and let this man say these things without speaking out. What a horrible thing to say to any parent of a child with a disability!

Did you say these things?

If not I have the wrong guy and apologize. If so I would like to say that I have never had an abortion. I have never had an abortion sir. My son's birthmother has never had an abortion. My son is not a punishment to me., my husband or my family..or his birthfamily. He is the greatest blessing we have ever received. Parents usually the mama's of special needs kids are fierce. We love with all our heart and fight every day for our children. Not one person I know has ever wished this life away. It is because we suffer that we love so fiercely. It is because we suffer that we fight so hard. It is because we suffer that we learn how to be better human beings. We understand that some things are worth fighting to the death for...and some things arent. The small stuff doesnt matter. We make better parents, better citizens, better people than those who never suffer. I honestly feel bad for you that your life was not blessed by a child with disabilities. I feel sorry for you that you have never had any trials in your life so you can spout such hateful things. I feel angry at the fact that you are using my God and His Word to spout these hateful things. I am sure He would not agree and not be very proud of you.

You know God called my husband and I to adopt our beautiful boy with Trisomy 8. He gave us a heart for the orphans, widows and fatherless. If Noah wasnt in our life we would not be in the process of adopting a child with down syndrome. I live a very blessed life. I thank God everyday for this life. I thank Him for my amazing son.

I pray that God richly blesses your life. I pray that you are convicted of your hateful words. I pray that your words did not do some major damage in your political party. I pray that you didnt just turn off so many people to the Gospel. I pray God changes your hard heart. Please dont misquote or misrepresent God's word. Its not cool man.

Be blessed

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