"Not flesh of my flesh, Nor bone of my bone, But still miraculously my own. Never forget for a single minute,
You didn't grow under my heart - but in it"
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Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Please pray for my friend and her family this is what she writes : 

all onco families know what I am talking about when you know in your gut the day after MRI when you hear your oncologists voice on the other end of the phone. We got the call today from Doc Taylor. Aunnah's MRI grew slightly again and they reported that her brain was larger than her skull..not sure what that means but he assured me that he is not worried right now too much about Aunnah's report but then the but came in. He said Michaela's MRI showed quite a bit of growth and more enhancement of the brain stem tumor. He is very concerned with the findings on this MRI. He and all the others are going to make calls and regroup. They think it's time to bring in radiation and/or chemo..they are also calling in the neuro surgeons on this too but he feels they will not want to even touch it cause where this tumor is...it's so deep within the brain. He said to give them a few days and then we will know more of what the treatments are going to be. So again our lives are in the air. It was a rough time when I got off of the phone. Lots of tears...I feel like I just got a blow in the gut. Michaela said on the way home yesterday that she did not feel good about this MRI..she knows her body and how she has been feeing lately. I feel like our family is in such chaos but again we will put our trust and faith in God to see us through yet another type of treatment. She's already had 11 different chemos. Thank you all for your continued prayers and support...we sure will need them even more within the future. - Andrea Lynn Nagel ♥ 

Be blessed

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