Yesterday Noah had an ENT appointment and a hearing test. The dr said that his ears looked good but he wanted me to take him over to the audiology dept and check his hearing.
So we headed over there. She checked to make sure the tubes were open. One was one wasnt.
In the tube that was closed his hearing was 2 outta 4 decibels. In the open ear it is only 1 outta 4 decibels. This isnt good.
So we headed back over to ENT and the dr said he wants to do surgery and put new tubes in. This and a new hearing test will take place May 10th. Then the dr said we will get aggressive in making sure that he hears to the best of his ability what ever that may be.
So my baby needs another surgery. I hate when he goes under. But he is fearfully and wonderfully made and God has a plan for his life so I know He will protect Noah.
Be blessed
All but 1 of my kids had to get tubes for the ears. My oldest son had to get them 3 times. He rejected the 1st set. God will take care of your little sweetie! And he'll be hearing so much better then!