"Not flesh of my flesh, Nor bone of my bone, But still miraculously my own. Never forget for a single minute,
You didn't grow under my heart - but in it"
Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Thursday, November 1, 2012

I dont want the hoopla. I just want Jesus!

I just want Jesus! Dang it! I just want Jesus!

What a disgrace! Where is Jesus? Where is the Holy Spirit? He's not there because He's not allowed!

Take me back to the days where I walked into a tiny building with a sheet on the wall projecting words to songs. 5 kids playing worship music and a crowd of people on their knees or face. You could feel the Holy Spirit. You could hear Him coming out of the mouths of babes. He was there because a group of teenagers didnt want to impress the masses all they wanted was to praise God. Teen girls laying hands on other girls and praying in tongues, tears flowing freely and arms raised high not because it was the cool thing to do but because they were trying so desperately to reach God. You knew as soon as you touched the door you were on Holy Ground and you respected that. Kids that came to get out of the house and goof off were soon on their faces too.

I dont want an 8 million dollar building. I dont want super awesome kids programs or cafes or bookstores! I dont want the best sound equipment or huge screens. I just want Jesus. I want to come into His presence. I want to be compelled to fall to my knees and not care who sees me. I want to meet Jesus right there. I want my kids to experience what I did when I went to youth services. The church has become extinct and now we just have these mega happy fluffy places where you go to feel good about yourself. Where your sin is good with them because no one wants to offend anyone.

My soul cant take this anymore. I feel like a fish out of water. I am gasping because the Living Water is gone and I have to get back or I will die. My soul is dying. I dont want to get to the end of my life, meet Jesus and have done it all wrong. I want life more abundantly and to me that doesnt mean riches of gold and silver. I want to draw close to Jesus. He will meet us anywhere so why do we have to have billion dollar buildings and all the hoopla?

Come Lord Jesus Come!

Be blessed


  1. I agree. Just give me some biblical preaching and a hymn.

    I do not want a so called "church" that worships self and I need ear plugs. I do not want one that focuses on pragmatism instead of strong doctrine; causing Jesus to be angry because they mix the holy with the profane and they do it in His name!

    You might be intersted in these websites:

  2. I forgot if you are on facebook a great ministry to check out (If you have not already) is Voddie Bauchman, his family has adopted at least two children. The church also has a website.
